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The complexity of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and food literally boggle the mind. The biochemistry involved in plant and animal genomics and transgenics – or the business of modifying the genes of any species – has turned ugly with growing resistance to the toying around with the genetic makeup of our crops and livestock and the rabid refusal of the genetic modifiers like Monsanto Chemical Company to label their foods – fighting with millions in lobbyist money all efforts by food safety experts, organic consumer advocates and respected groups like the Union of Concerned Scientists to pass state or federal legislation requiring the labeling of genetically modified foods.

That would seem a simple and responsible step toward gaining the confidence of consumers and such. Of course, no such foods could ever again be considered organic.

But what is the big deal?

Well of course, money for the inventers and sellers of chemicals that Monsanto and others peddle modified seeds to millions of farmers who see these additives as boosting yields and profits. But what is there to hide from a public that deserves to know what the hell they’re eating?

If they won’t say, then it can’t be good. Or can it? Well, we don’t know, do we?

The government seems clearly on the side of the modifiers. Its websites are loaded with terms that any wordsmith like this writer would see as advocacy for one point of view versus another – and the FDA’s and the USDA’s attempts at explanations are peppered with encouragement for accepting the benefits of genetic modification – both in pooh-poohing the safety issues (the evidence is never conclusive, is it, as to the harm GM foods might be causing) or in the dangers to the environment, animals and plants from all this playing around with biology.

But, woe to the organic farmer who tries to keep genetically modified seeds from blowing onto his property. If anything he grows shows signs of patented genes designed by Monsanto – never mind that nature did the stealing – the chemical company will sue. Hell, Monsanto has already scared off legislation in some states by threatening to sue of labeling requirements are passed.

This is the stuff of Orwellian tales – the willingness of a chemical firm to take some poor schlub to court over the infiltration of some other guys modified seeds into the crops next door even when he never wanted them in the first place – and getting the court to actually back the crushing by big brother corporations over this “mistake.”

The bigger deal is the total lack of control over the ethical use of GMOs by the public, especially the regulatory agencies and an apparent willingness to spend millions keeping it that way. Some international scientists are meting as we speak but not in the United States. No. These are mostly Asian and European scientists gathering in hand-wringing sessions and submitting scientific analyses about the need for keeping a keen eye on the ethics and biology of all this modifying of  plants and animals – even if the idea is to make them resistant to diseases and insects.

You wouldn’t believe the depth of research and discussion taking place over the entire field.

This is why this should be a very short hour given the amount of information available and the arguments flying back and forth over the rampant use of this chemical technology and the complete lack of understanding by an unwary public as to the short- and long-term ramifications of consuming the modified meats and vegetables so prevalent on our local food shelves these days.

TTT’s ANDY DRISCOLL and MICHELLE ALIMORADI query three men immersed in this field and representing diverse perspectives on the farming and consumption of genetically modified organisms and foods and the impact of all of this on the ecology and legality of critical pollination.


Genetically Modified Food – GM Foods List and Information

Millions Against Monsanto Minnesota

Agriculture Network Information Center (AgNIC)

U.S. Human Genome Project


DR. DAVID ANDOW – Entomologist; Distinguished McKnight University Professor of Insect Ecology, University of Minnesota; Coordinator of the International Project on GMO Environmental Risk Assessment Methodologies (GMO ERA Project)

GEORGE BOODY – Executive Director, Land Stewardship Project (LSP); MS in Horticulture and Human Nutrition; BS in Biology, University of Minnesota

RONNIE CUMMINS – Executive Director, Organic Consumers Association; former director, Jeremy Rifkin’s Beyond Beef Campaign & Pure Food Campaign; author of books on Central American culture; co-author, Genetically-Engineered Foods: A Self-Defense Guide for Consumers