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Truth To Tell (2010-04-14)

This week’s show brings back our guests and the next phase of our discussion on White Privilege. The dynamic of hatred of a people we once enslaved is not as unusual at it may seem. This is the American Indian experience and the African-American experience. The psychology and pathology of refusing to accept what it means to be white pervades the culture still.

In the wake of an annual conference on white privilege in LaCrosse, Wisconsin last week, TTT will delve deeper into the issue of unconscious entitlement that is so much a part of the American psyche, and the most difficult to extricate from our national inclination toward the colonial European view of race as well as undertand the oppositional subculture we’ve created from the dregs of slavery over 200, 300, 400 years of American history.


• PEGGY MCINTOSH, PhD – Sr. Research Scientist and Associate Director, Wellesley Centers for Women; Author, White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack/strong> 

• NANCY RODENBORG, PhD – Associate Professor of Social Work (Diversity), Augsburg College; Augsburg College Diversity Committee and the Diversity and Global Learning Collaborative

• ROWZAT SHIPCHANDLER – Program Manager, Facing Race InitiativeSaint Paul Foundation

•  LISA ALBRECHT – Associate Professor, School of Social Work, University of Minnesota College of Continuing Education